Saturday 28 February 2015

Document 2 refinement
I sketched another idea that I had about how to communicate my ritual idea, the idea is that my objects would fit into a circuit and that when all the components were in place the circuit would run, but when they weren't there the circuit wouldn't run.

Site Analysis
This was my quick Site Analysis from Tuesday.

I liked this idea but still wanted to push the puzzle idea further as I thought it communicated the idea more effectively.

Final Document 2

Friday 27 February 2015

Document 2
For feedback on document 1 I was told that my illustration was too literal and that I should show the meaning in a more abstract sense. I started to brainstorm ideas and thought about the objects were like puzzle pieces to my room, here are some sketches of that idea.

The idea is that I would take apart the puzzle each day and when I return home I would complete the puzzle again. I was also told that I should explore different mediums for my second document. This next image was a rough sketch of an idea I had for a photo-collage.

I then spent some more time refining the image into a more polished photo-collage.

The ritual I picked for this project was everything in my room has a set place in the space, Such as my wallet, key, phone, uni bag etc. I will use these things throughout the day for different reasons e.g. Getting ready in the morning or Going to uni, but at the end of the day they all go back to their specific space. When everything is in its right place it makes me feel like home and this is especially important to me because I can create this space which is my home away from home so that I always have a place to go after a long day. We have been asked to create a document to express this idea, For my first document I decided to create and isometric illustration of my room and how all of these components fit into this space, this is a very literal interpretation of the idea.

Document 1