Saturday 14 March 2015

After some critique I was told that my design needs to be a bit more possible. Not that it will be built but more that it could possibly be built. I needed to represent the surreal dream space in a physical way so I decided to take some influence from my precedence and use real world materials to bend them into a surreal space. I still wanted the space to be a journey so I wanted the journey to start off underground and that the person would have to climb up these giant slabs of material to get up to the house. I think using a geometric feel to the dream space section would make it feel more surreal because things in reality are often not perfectly straight and geometric.

I started to make my sketchup model, I tore through most of the rooms with big ravines while leaving the bedroom intact to push the contrast of the bedroom being reality and all of the outsides being the surreal space. I wanted to start the journey in a highly geometric space and as you get closer to the bedroom things become more organic and realistic, like its being pieced back together. Here are some screenshots from my sketchup model.

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